Saturday, February 26, 2022

It is possible we can read fast and well!



At the time to read something, in some ocassion we can lose the meaning some words or understand the context, it is hard, but we can improve our reading when reading aloud?

When read a short text we must  take in consideration some techniques below.


Don't read at the laisurely pace

This type of reading can slown down our speaking speed and we lose the habit of reading 300 words per minute.


Don't just learn words, learn phrases

Learn phrases help you to read faster and gain fluency at the moment that you can read and our eyes has the scope to read 1.5 inches long, that means you can read up to nine words at a time.


Practice more reading 

At the  time of practicing we improve each time the way we read and what we understand.




  1. today, there should be more applications that encourage reading. However, skimming and scanning techniques are also very useful when reading.

  2. I will apply it from now on!. I loved the little worm


Audiobooks can help us with our English language.

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